Darius Hero

Am plecat.



My name is Darius Groza and my goal is to travel around the world. Other than that, there’s no particular plan. Sorry to disappoint you. I’ve been through this text dozens of times during the past 2 or 3 years, trying to make it just right, in an effort to explain what I’m supposed to do. Guess I failed. It is being written “on the road”, just like any lame pathetic excuse for a reckless act.

Fact is I’m not supposed to do anything. I’m just finding – out along with you – if one normal guy such as me (or any of you) can see the whole Globe. I am not trained in hiking. I don’t have a promising physical condition. I’m actually kinda fucking chubby. And there’s no real money. So this is a long shot.

I got on me the equivalent of 150 bucks, one laptop for getting online to document this, one camcorder for filming, a Goped scooter, an MP3 Player and some cables to manage together all of the above. And papers.

Anyway, to get back to the point, some of you guys knew about my leaving for some time know (and I thank you for keeping it a secret like I asked) and some of you didn’t. There was no criteria in picking you. There’s really important people that needed to NOT be aware of what I intend to do (such as my family) and there’s not so important people that had to know. And vice-versa.

This endever (endevour, endevur, I have no clue how you spell it, what I’m trying to say “action” or “something I started”) had several forms before I actually got to do it but they are all in vain now. It was suppose to be after I finished Journalism and Communication/PR that my parents have paid for in the last part of my life. This was supposed to be responsible and shit. But it’s all down the drain now.

You basically got the point. As stated in the video I’m gonna try to attach to this post, I’m going East and coming back (in as much time as it will take) from the West. I’m not gonna CIRCLE, I’m gonna zig-zag Earth, so I see as much as I can from the countries and cultures I’m bound to cross.

I pretty much had a lot of things figured for “a trip with no plan”, probably enough to make it safer but too much to make it matter, which sucked for the whole concept, but luckily I forgot it all at this point…

The whole idea was to see if I manage to do it and that would mean anyone could, so… I guess here goes.

Some notes:

Do NOT get worried. ANYTHING can happen, so there’s no use in thinking about it all the way through. I’m not gonna. So you shouldn’t either. Neither. Whatever.

Mom and dad: Do not freak out. I know how important calling me is for you. I guess that’s gonna be a little bit hard for a while, but I promise I’m gonna be back. (Try to explain this to bunica Ioana and bunicu’ Petrică without causing any unwanted heart-attacks.)

Brother: Do NOT use any of my stuff. I’ll need them back. By the way, Flaviu will be by till Easter for the EEEpc. He owes me 50 mil. Buy something nice. Like half the rent for April.

Here comes the paragraph where I thank people who will welcome me back when I don’t die: everyone at Vitrina Advertising (whether I fail or succeed… I still wanna come back to that, so try to keep my desk open just in case – do I need to name names or is Mihaela Rus enough?). All friends (you know who you are). All that are more than friends (everyone know who you are).

I’m kinda car sick at this point, something I’ll have plenty of time to get use to, but for now, I’m pretty sure I’ll get back on this, so bye.

Short recap: goal is simple – every day find a place to sleep, something to eat and a way to get further. See you soon.

The first person that helped me was Micky Csintala. He’s usually a truck driver, but he is now driving his own Dacia car. He’s dead tired and he had a crappy day, which he says is the very reason he even stopped. He saw me helpless on one side of the road. He picked me up from Cluj-Napoca (where this whole thing started and he is driving me about 100 km to Alba-Iulia, where I’m gonna try to catch the second ride.

It is obvious now (and kinda predictable) that I’ve left my camera charger at home. Until I find a way to get it or get a new one, I’ll be documenting with my webcam.

[there’s a movie below, I’ve just uploaded and I’m on my way; it might take a little while till you can view it]


150 comentarii

  • si io ce-ar trebui sa fac acuma? sa merg spre vest si sa ma intorc dinspre est?

  • magare! cum ai plecat asa fara sa te interesezi despre ce ai promis? uaaa… jigodie!

  • Drum bun și călătorie plăcută! Să ne mai povestești una alta, pe care le vezi prin călătoria ta.

  • Darius, intoarce-te imediat si te inscrie la masterat! Glumesc. Cale batuta si noroc! bye!

  • ai accent de arab terorist
    asa ca nu incerca sa ajungi in state

    in rest, bafta, ideea e faina, io inca n-am avut curaj sa incerc.

  • Zuzel, nu eşti întreg la nervii capului. 🙂
    Îţi ţin pumnii să reuşeşti în asemenea tentativă cu adevărat temerară. Când se va auzi de tine, vei fi şi susţinut, mai ales pentru caracterul underground. Faci ceva ce puţină lume ar avea curajul să facă. Dacă încercarea nu te va omorî, probabil că vei avea una din amintirile vieţii. Sfatul meu este să faci foarte multe poze pentru a documenta această încercare cât mai bine şi a ieşi şi material de o carte care va însoţi DVD-ul încercării.
    Cum “spune” băieţii din cartier, Respect frate!

  • Extraordinar! Multa bafta. Sa stii ca te invidiez si nu cred ca sunt singura. Ai avut curaj pentru toti ca mine.

  • Un prieten bun de-al tau m-a rugat sa vorbesc cu dom’ doctor ca sa aflam daca ai inca toate tiglele pe casa. Dupa un scurt examen al blogului sper sa putem sa-ti oferim un diagnostic si un draft de tratament. Suna-ma in 2 saptamini sa-ti dictez ce tre sa cumperi de la apotheka.

  • pai daca e zigzag. traseul ar trebui sa fie cam asa : alba-iulia, vatra-dornei, intors de la granita cu ucraina, suceava, in jos, chisinau, galati, varna, intors de la greci ca nu stie alfabetu’ lor, craiova, timisoara, szeged, cluj.

  • […] Jurnal Editorialistic de Groza wrote an interesting post today on Am plecat.Here’s a quick excerpt Hello. My name is Darius Groza and my goal is to travel around the world. Other than that, there’s no particular plan. Sorry to dissapoint you. I’ve been through this text dozens of times during the past 2 or 3 years, trying to make it just right, in an effort to explain what I’m supposed to do. Guess I failed. It is being written “on the road”, just like any lame pathetic excuse for a wreackless act. Fact is I’m not supposed to do anything. I’m just finding – out along with you – if one norm […]

  • sa ai grija de tine. sa scrii cat mai des, sa stim ca esti bine. (a’proops… dacian e cam speriat…hihii)

  • Sper că ţi-ai luat Herman Dune cu tine, nemernicule…I woke up in seven different cities…

  • sezi bland. are sa haladuiasca o vreme. bine, nu cred ca se va duce pe acolo pe unde nu are rost. fiindca ce naiba sa faci in siberia? sa vizualizezi rusi? sau prin cecenia, iran sau turcia? ma rog. oricum are sa se intoarca un pic mai bogat cand se va intoarce. cel putin cu un pic mai multa minte.

  • Darius, treci acasa! Si eu am vazut filmul cu baiatul care pleaca, si mi-a placut foarte mult, dar a doua zi am venit la servici!!!
    Vezi ca imediat e 12.30 si fac comanda la salati…nu ma enerva!
    Ai grija…

  • Brava, domnule! Un spirit liber! Fie ca Dumnezeu sa te aiva in paza, frate. Si norocul ii ajuta pe cei indrazneti. Sper sa nu dai, in incursiunea ta, de prea multi nenorociti, nevrednici, banditi, nelegiuti, escroci, pedofili, potlogari, canibali, psihopati.

  • That’s it: i’m officially in love with Darius and i wanna have his babies.

    Mult noroc, o sa ai nevoie. Si scrie-ne cat mai des, the excitment is killing us.
    Keep walking, dude!

  • Darius, time-sheetul! It’s Renate, not me. Trimite-l cumva, astept. Desi, ca un mastermind ce esti, trebuia sa fie deja pus la mine in calc de vineri. Si nu..aia cu incarcatorul uitat e de rahat. Hartie igienica ti-ai luat? Foc? Cutit?

  • ma da esti online pa miessinjier :)) te doare n putza de incalzirea globala daca ai lasat calcu sa mearga…sugaciule :)) drum bun. catch up with u later :))

  • Am vorbit cu Mariutza si nu stie unde sa-ti vireze ce stringe din 2%. Astept semnal. Acum mai mult ca vineri ai nevoie de ei. Sa-mi spui daca te deranjeaza sa pun practicante la biroul tau. Astept in continuare timesheet-ul saptaminal, nu e o scuza ca n-ai bani sa trimiti mailuri. sa nu-ti fie rusine sa te intorci chiar daca ajungi doar pina la birlad, inca nu te-am taiat de pe lista de camere in excursie.
    Te pupam si ai grija de tine

  • Join the club, Andreea. După câte îmi dau seama, multă lume a păstrat “secretul”:) Ar fi interesant de aflat câţi au ştiut şi au crezut că sunt poate nu singurii, dar printre cei privilegiaţi, ca să zic aşa.

  • hai mai drage domnisoare. lasati orgoliile in pod. io iaca nu am stiut si crez ca ii mai binie.
    las’ ca se intoarce. il luati de barbat atunce.

  • Stii, eu te-am mai citit de cateva ori, dar erai o experienta prea “absorbing”, si n-am stat sa te citesc prea des. Dar de cand ai plecat in juru’ lumii ca un gymnosperm, te voi urmari cu sufletu’ la gura.

    Imi permit un sfat pentru videoblogging. Fii mai relaxat, mai zambitor si mai putin factual!

  • @ zamolxis – alea is reguli fara de care esti un zero in “videoblogging”? daca omu’ are chef sa fie megafactual, morocanos si intzepat atuncia ce? nu mai ii “videoblogging” cum trebe?
    a, si pentru toate chestiile din lumea non-blog care se transfera in lumea yes-blog se baga cate un cuvint de-asta gen “videoblogging”?

  • Ză question iz: are you doing zis on eighty days or şorter?

    Zis iz insane dude, I cant believe you left on ă trip around the Planet Terra and left Pamfil at home. Dont you think zis iz ă bit selfiş, maybe him too would be interested in seeing all ză things that you şăll see but from your backpack. You would have alwayz had some one to watch your back while surrounded by grizli, polar, panda or koala bears who are nation brothers with Pamfil.

    I only hope you watched the Survivor Series and got aquainted with maşrooms taste and how to tell if they are eatăbăl cuz there are plenty of those where you are heading my friend… Also I hope you left someone, other than Pamfil, the password for this editorialistic jurnal just in case you wont give us the oportunity to cheer your welcome back… To think of it, maybe Pamfil was writing this jurnal all the time using you as a stick figure… Anyway just send it to me by email and disregard the advice not to send passwords by email cuz iz not safe… We all know thats just gibăriş…

    There for, I wish you all ză best in zi world in ză quest to find yourself and gain ză internal peace and ză balance between ză ying and ză yang and şit and bla bla bla yatty yatty yatta

    P.S. Please excuse me if intentionaly or not I have misspelled some words, as I too only am ă compatriot with Băse.

  • Ca nu vreau sa stric cheful omului, dar daca tot faci ocolul pamantului, fa-l si dumneata pe la poli, nu ca tot taranul pe la ecuator… sau mai rau, in zig zag, prin orase si la ia-ma nene. Asa l-au facut toti refugiatii din Ro inainte de revolutie, basca lagare, basca politie si deportari. Si il mai fac destui, de nevoie.
    Admiratie meriti, nu zic nu, pentru ca eu nu l-am facut, nici macar nu am pornit. Dar aicea mai e o hiba – dumneata il faci (si) pentru ca e nevoie de un pic de admiratie din partea grupului, nu-i asa? Si blogul s-a transformat din mijloc, mediu de comunicare in obiectiv, in sursa de status social si alte cate mai cate. Nu-i bai, nu critic asta, fiecare avem o profesie si un tel in viata. Drum bun, pana unde o fi. Oricum, drumul nu mai conteaza acum, conteaza ca te-ai pornit la el si intr-un fel sau altul va fi o mare infrangere intr-o uriasa victorie.

    Numa’ bine!
    P.S. Astia de la chirurgie mai stau si discuta prin pauze, io mai trag cu urechea si mai reproduc. Nu prea am habar ce-am zis mai sus, da-mi place cum suna.

  • bai nu mai incerca in iengleza pliz ca ejti mai rau ca basescu. pliz ai beg ov iu.

De Darius Groza
