Darius Hero

Dumping the Queen.


So it seems marijuana is tolerated in The Netherlands. You can find it basically anywhere not farther than 50 m away, but its legal status is still not certain. Coffee shops need licenses to sell it and they can only have up to 500 grams available in the bar, which they consider hardly sufficient for any real commercial use. So obviously they have more.

Smart-shops sell mushrooms and different seeds for personal growth, although growing is illegal. There are times when authorities raid growers and they’re easily spotted in winter, when the snow on the roof above the room that stuff is growing in starts melting around the heated area. But generally no major busts are made.

A bigger problem surrounding the issue is the economical aspect of it. A smart-shop seller explains that as growing is not legal, but selling is, whenever a large purchase is being made (by the resellers, from the growers), white money turns into black money on the market.

Prices for weed vary from 2.5 to up to 10 euros, depending on the size of the joint and there are also mushroom cookies and cakes that are relatively in the same price range.

Alrighty, so Utrecht is a small and nice city south from Amsterdam, somewhere really close to it. I’ve also visited Amsterdam on Queen’s night. There were big parties in mostly every square of the city and all you needed to do was basically follow the Orange to get anywhere fun.

I’ll be leaving towards Bruxelles today and, in a couple of days, I’ll be making my way to Calais (where I have a nice host prepared). Then I’ll cross the canal to the UK.



My hosts in Utrecht, Mihaela and Lucian.



This be the bong-master and his kingdom. You can find his shop somewhere half way walking aside the central canal in Utrecht. It’s the best in the city.



Utrecht by day.



Amsterdam by night.



After UK, I might be trying to head towards Romania visiting along the way, to see my parents that are freaking out and solve some other affairs I have in the country. Might be crossing Vienna this time, as planned on my way here, where I got this guy Gregor working for a community TV station that wants to do a story on my trip. If I can find him. And Mădălina Mocanu of City News online newspaper wrote one article on it back in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. A reader, Solomom Gabi, started an online comic strip on my travel.

Missed thing of the day: watching a movie.

27 comentarii

  • the joint magic land 🙂 sounds like the place to be. great video btw.
    Hope your staying in Romania doesn’t make you abandon your plans.
    Have you figure out a way to get to the United States ? Maybe your visit to Romania is a good opportunity to visit the US embassy and maybe get a visa 😉

    Good luck and happy trails.

  • Mai multe poze cu Mihaela… Păi tu eşti cu gândul la jointuri… Preocuparea mea este pentru… biciclete. Am înţeles că este o “manevră” cu bicicletele comunitare pe acolo şi aş merge şi în Bucureşti pe un asemenea sistem. Să fi confundat eu ţara, oraşul, oamenii?

  • Noul Badea Cârţan al României face o călătorie îţâşă. Zău că îl invidiez dar… nu ne naştem toţi la aceeaşi vîrstă.

  • buei da’ ce punkist te-ai făcut. lasă că după epoca punk vine şi epoca chillout în veaţa lui tu. 😀 :*

  • Daca pe perioada calatoriei ai nevoie de o donatie de 50 de euro (atat imi permit sa dau) te poti baza pe mine.
    La un clip de al tau am contribuit deja, sper sa te pot ajuta si cu asta 🙂
    Cu respect : colegul de la Comunicare.

  • Bravas măgare! Dacă ajungi în Cluj, dă un semn, numa’ să poţi tu mânca câţi mici bag în tine 😉 :))

  • Pai… fratele meu… Da nu era vorba de inconjuru’ lumii.?…
    Pai lumea e mai mare bro… As much as we know it…

  • Dar bine, Darius, nu ne-a fost vorba ca trimiti mesaj sa stim si noi unde te-a lasat trenul? 🙂

  • Păi, stai, dragă, că-cum să te oblig eu să citeşti Jegu’? Urma, da’ m-am entuziasmat când mi-or hrănit ăştia bere, dragii de ei. 😀 Acuma fierbe supa. 😛

  • Daca nu avem timp sa ne intalnim si sa incerci tu imbratisatul cu mainile pe fund,lasa-i sau lasa-l la Arpi iar el mi-i/l trimite prin posta.

  • Da-mi un email sa ne vedem in Bruxelles (sunt p’acolo de vineri) si apoi poate ne mai vedem prin Londra (sunt acolo mai mereu 😛 )

  • Apai daca nu ai urcat in turla domului din Utrecht nu ai facut nik acolo… 630 de trepte… Mai tare decat orice joint sau ciuperca… Si din varf se vede Rotterdamul…Si apoi sa ii lasi la ghid bacsis niste lei romanesti… hehe…

    Mna, io vreau din Olanda niste bulbi de lalea albastra. Ca acuma ii sezonu’ la ei. Si numa daca is furati sau primiti se prind si in alta parte. So please oblige. Cheers!

  • the most unique of the uniquest-intr-o engleza reinventata bineinteles la superlativele superlativului:) oricum iti urez toata bafta din lume adunata pentru a te bucura de aventura ta intr-un mod cat mai apropiat de cel dorit de tine

  • esti adevarat tipule…….Bravo tie. as face-o si yo, dar o a zica aia k m-am dus la produs in afara…….k sunt fata :))))

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De Darius Groza
