So the nice Polish couple living with Diana in Luton drove me to Harlow, closer to London, two nights ago, where I met my new host, Nelida. She used to work for the advertising agency I work for now and she took me in and helped me visit London. We had fish and chips plus Guinness beer the first night, and in the morning I got 30 pounds as a first donation, for an all day/all public transportation in and out of the Capital city pass.
I managed to get a discount at the train station and it only cost about 14 pounds. It was there that I also gave this interview to Romanian radio station Radio Transilvania. So pretty busy start yesterday.
It got even busier when I finally got to London and, as I had money and a place to sleep for the following night, back in Harlow, I finally got to try my bad singing method of making money, by having people pay me to shut up. I only spent one hour on the bridge right next to Big Ben, so that I could spend the rest visiting, and I was already up 10 more pounds. People seemed to enjoy the idea.
So here’s how you can do it, if you wanna try it out while traveling. You’ll need an instrument. Any kind, ’cause you can’t play anything, anyway.
Tips! Take a sign. A big one. In my case, people have even crossed the street to “hit” the money-cap. They could read it from the other side.
Put some coins in the cap when you start. Take some coins out when there’s too many. Check the cap every once in a while, counting the money. I got 5 pounds in one hit, just out of sympathy for that unconscious gesture (I kept doing it since, much more theatrical; believe me, you’ll discover tricks beyond imagination). Catch people’s sight. Cry. (Kidding.) Don’t get better on handling the instrument. Pitch a wrong tone every once in a while, whenever you feel you’re close to actually sounding good.
Why does bad singing earn more dough than real good singing?
Because bad singing draws attention. With good singing, you get passive money. People that wanna spare anyway – which goes to bad singing also, since it’s an instinct and they’re not really listening to what you’re singing anyway.
Why bad singing rather than good singing or not singing at all and working? It’s the only situation in the world for which you get paid to take breaks.
I left just in time, when police starting questioning this souvenir seller next to me. There was an artists street, right under London Eye, where I think it was either legal or you needed a permit – which they probably had, but by the time the “bobbies” spotted me, I was way ahead in tourist-mode, taking pictures and acting curious about everything… under my guitar and big folded carton board.
The day before, I had prepared my favorite tie and shirt for the big event, however, some guy still asked me if I was homeless, when he saw me “singing” on the bridge. I don’t know if he wanted to rape me or offer me shelter, but he was very polite, as British people have proven to be, from rapists to pastors. Or both.
I visited most interesting parts, the London Bridge, as it was not falling down at the time, City – business center, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge, Soho, Buckingham Palace and that mumbo-jumbo and when I got to the train station in the evening, with my folded carton board and guitar, this nice lady wanted to offer me a blanket, so I wouldn’t have to sleep on my bad-singing sign. Cute. I think I need to shave.
Tomorrow I’ll be leaving to Lincoln, with a train ticket buddy Ionuț Hădade (studying there) booked for me. We’re gonna spend our day visiting the city and the night hopefully in a traditionally Manchester United fanatic manner (he’s with the spirit, I’ll carry the beers). Then I will head to Norwich, where I’ll meet my ex girlfriend’s mom that still loves me more than my ex girlfriend and boyfriend Colin. Of mom, not girlfriend. Girlfriend’s mom. I’ll stay one night at their place in Bungay and maybe go fishing in the morning – I don’t know the plan, after which it’ll be straight to Dover, into Calais. And as soon as possible – Paris, where my online host (offering the server for this blog) will host me in real life. For the first out of many times.
Also, I’ll be speaking to Radio România International tomorrow (for their foreign listeners), but I can’t say when it’ll be aired. Most likely I’ll upload it afterwards.
[song on Gus’ YouTube channel]
Bad singing sign.
Fan of bad music taking pic of bad music idol.
The Ben, not so big in my opinion, really.
This is Ben’s impersonation of the Leaning Tower from Pisa.
Your average Underground mirror pic.
[later edit]
Arrived in Lincoln.
Also bought an ukulele, a type of 4 string baby guitar, typically Hawaiian. I got the shirts to match it, back home.
Got picked up from the train station by metrosexual buddy Hădade.
Piesa aia nu era cu “Lasă, lasă, lasă, lasă/ Că ajungem noi acasă”? 😀
God, your parents must be so proud of you.
omg! super tare cartonul cu bad singing! hei, s-ar putea sa iesi cu un profit frumusel pana te intorci…
foarte misto montat si video! da cel mai tare mi-a blacut doamna pe trotineta 🙂
Mană: Mnu. Invers. Regrete. 🙂
Geo: You can call me Darius. Sw33t: You can call me “Oh, my Darius!”. 😛
very cool old lady :)).
Did you post your singing performence any where ?
No, thank you. 🙂 That footage will never be found.
ai putea inregistra un album cu piesele pe care le canti si ai putea face bani si din asta 😉
now, aren’t you sweet? 😀
filmuletul e grandios! de remarcat trotineta, cred c-o sa se bucure bibliotecaru , hahah
votez si eu pentru un clip cu your bad singing, come onnnnn! don’t be such a chicken!
drăguţă băbuţa pe trotinetă …şi io vreau să văz un clip cu tin’ cântând..!
szia. kewl stuff u’ve posted.
mi s-a facut dor de londra… imi aduci, pliz, o ciochi Boost de la Cadbury?
ai grija de tine.
Darius, mulţam pentru imaginea cu trotineta. Am simţit că este special pentru mine. 😀
mirmen, promit sa am grija de Darius, te pup.
Ciribantrop – că n-am pă ce da banii care nu-i am.
Bibli – da. 😀 Ştiam c-o să te bucuri.
Am plecatără deci… În câteva ore ajung la Lincoln. Vă arăt ce mi-am luat înainte de plecare. Hăhăhă!
Jegule, m-ai omorat la faza cu impersonation of Pisa. =))))) Acum, fa la fel si cu Tamisa. Pisa-te in ea si zi-le ca e Dambovita.
heidadi, bun băiat, şi mirmen te pupă 🙂
tu si babuta pe tricicleta ati facut senzatie! spor cu fosta soacra…
trotineta, adica :))))
* am zis mai devreme ca tu si baba pe trotineta ati facut senzatie. spor cu fosta soacra
Luton huh….Bedfordshire:D?…great tips,I’ll keep them in mind..just if I lose my job:))
am ascultat interviul si m-a dezamagit, nu stiu de ce m-am asteptat la mai mult de la oamenii aceia de radio.
ce intrebari tampite, printre hlizelile lor!! cred ca daca te intrebau niste copii de scoala generala iesea ceva mai coerent si mai informativ!
sper ca aia de la radio românia international sa recunoasca potentialul si sa faca un interviu care sa nu ne faca sa roshim pentru ei!
Abia acum am remarcat eu că n-au explicat că fără bani etc. Poate înainte să fi vorbit. Nu ştiu. EU am fost bun. Atâta contează. 😀
aia din poza e vioara sau cutia de la chitara?! mi se pare prea mica pentru o cutie de chitara, deci cred ca e o vioara.
Mă, da’ că prompt eşti. Am uitat să scriu. Mi-am cumpărat un ukulele. O chitară mică, hawaiană. 🙂 Chitara o abandonez la Hădade. Şi mi-o aduce un TIR acasă, prin mai.
aloha! dar la ukulele stii sa nu cânti ? 😀
Ce fain e de unii, măcar ai unde să faci duşul cel de toate zilele, la noi în Braşov nu mai avem apă caldă de vreo 3 zile, a început să miroasă greu Braşovul… Ce să le ceri, nişte ţărani, cred că o să o iau şi eu la picior ca aşa nu mai merge…
Chiar aşa unde-i The Bad Singing clip? Eu pe ăla îl aţteptam mai tare
Do you have a romanian biometrical passport with you ? If so and if you are still interested to continue your trip, I might be able to use my relations at the US Embassy in Paris to get you a six months visa for the US. You could try getting a free flight from some transatlantic airline looking for publicity and continue your trip all arround the world.
Leave me an off line message on Yahoo! with the answer to my question. I YES or NO will suffice. Don’t get in details, I don’t have the time to read all your palabras.
important ca ai gasit o sursa serioasa de venit(bad singing) la care poti apela ori de cate ori ai probleme:)
God, asa cantai?- Soi un ombre marinero que me gusta lo mehor?
vad k mi-ai ascultat sfaturile (bere, politisti, mancare locala) am pus pe youtube un clip pe unde ai fost, dar nu e clar…mai lucrez la ea…bafta si asteptam informatii noi.
Darius, whatever you do, DON’T GO TO US! They don’t take kindly to strangers.
Avoid at all costs.
[…] nimic. Astă cred că este cel mai fain mod de a vedea într adevăr o ţară şi lumea. Momentan, se află prin Marea Britanie, la dna. Regină. Cam aşa aş fi vrut şi eu să călătoresc cînd vedeam emisiunea respectivă. […]
Hadade, tzucu-ti mintiuca aia! Pe gura!
baba is campioana balcanica la 200 de metri trotineta and she is very aerodinamica
ai ajuns in Norwich?
super tzapan..bravo ajuns pana acolo…but still a long way to go..enjoy the ride!
Propunerea mea…
[G]Oh, my l[Em]ove, my d[C]arling, I’ve hu[D]ngered for your t[G]ouch
A l[Em]ong, lonely t[D]ime
As [G]time goes[Em] by so [C]slowly and [D]time can do so [G]much
Are [Em]you still m[D]ine
I n[G]eed your love, [D] I n[Em]eed your love [Bm]
God [C]speed your love [D]to— [G]me [G7]
[C]Lonely rivers [D]flow to the [C]sea, to the[Bb] sea
[C]To the open a[D]rms of the s[G]ea
L[C]onely rivers s[D]igh, wait for [C]me, wait for [Bb]me
[C]I’ll be coming h[D]ome, wait for [G]me
Oh, my love, my darling, I hunger, hunger!, for your love,
For love. Lonely time.
And time goes by, so slowly, and time can do so much,
Are you still mine?
I need your love, I need your love.
God speed your love to me.
brava, Dariusică. Ajunsăşi şi la iengleji. Într-adevăr super ţapănă mămăiţa de pe trotinetă. Pun pariu ca şi-ar fi luat şi jaca de pele dacă nu era prea cald afară:)
Presupun că îţi vine din ce în ce mai uşor cu excursia şi că doar dorul de casă devine din ce în ce mai greu de dus.
Keep on walking.
Repetă energic. Au mai rămas doar două luni până la B’ESTFEST 2008!
Ai murit, Dariuse?
Eh, ce spui, nu te-a surprins “the Average Ben” :P?
Şi acum, pentru că ai trecut de început, iată propunerea mea pentru B’ESTFEST 2008, crezi că o poţi pregăti în două luni? E fără voce aici, dar nu-i problema să scriem ceva versuri.
Ok… N-ai mai scris de 3 zile. Un’ esti?
cred că ne ignoră…
are you on the mainland?
Dariuse, spune-ne că nu te-au arestat şi nici nu ţi s-a furat laptopul. Te-a răpit vreo bandă de traficanţi sau pur şi simplu ţi-e lene să mai scrii?
Nu, el acuma rade si ne face sa asptetam ..i know his kind
Cred ca e pe vre-un vapor undeva prin Atlantic…
Salut! Ai aparut la “Revista Presei” pe