Darius Hero

Articole, din acestea ...

Dragi camarazi și drage cărămizi!

Haidem să o mai dezbatem puțin de pământ (da’ constructiv nu căăă) pe noua mea achiziție din domeniul amoros, fiindcă n-am făcut altceva decât pe ea, în lungul timp ce s-a scurs de la ultima noastră întrevedere. Achiziție care vă asigur că se roagă pe grăunțe în genunchi și plângând s-o iertați că v-a lipsit de mine. Când nu-i ocupată să-i fie explicat de către Moafle absolut fiecare...

La semnalul precedent, a fost data…

[pus filmul cu sunet bun, de download la locul cu pricina] Eu încep să fiu din ce în ce mai dizgrațios, apropiindu-mă flagrant de fizionomia nefericită a tatălui meu. În mod paradoxal, “fetele mă vrea” în continuare cu obstinație și chiar exponențial, aș spune. Și atunci, mă-ntreb eu, uitându-mă pe drum, așa, la oameni… există oare momentul acela în viața fiecăruia când te...


[Azi, adicătelea 11 iunie, voi grăi divin, de la 19:00 la 20:00, pe frecvențele simpatice ale Radio Cluj. Mă vom asculta muți de admirațe, online ia de aci (nu văd șanse să fie ocupată banda) sau pe aparatul tradițional la 95,6 FM. În cadrul transmisiunii live fără precedent, îmi voi exprima opiniile corecte cu privire la nu-știu-ce, că n-am înțeles precis ce-mi turuia Adrian Dohotaru, de la Doho...

Mă, deci când eram io p-autostradă…

[mâine, de la 10:00, ne veselim ferice, la Geek Meet, în Zorki, Cluj-Napoca; vor grăi divin Bobby Voicu (Yahoo! Open Strategy), Vladimir Oane, Dragoș Ilinca (uberVU, CaptainGo), Sergiu Biriș (Trilulilu), Alex Deva (Web Freelancing—Cum sa nu-ti ucizi clientul), Adrian Rus (nu știe nimenea, are o soră, Camelia Cosmina), Filip Cherecheș-Toșa (Geek Meet * Teen)] Am remarcat că povețele mele au mult...

Am plecat iar.

Mnu, glumesc cum îmi șade-n fire și simțiri. Sunt la un team-drinking profesional cu amanta Vitrina. *** Ieri am purtat cu un conlistean de la mine din listă o discuție foarte complexă, pornită de la cerința lui de a-i termina eu lui fraza interogativă “cum ar fi dacă…?”. Deși el încerca să inducă ideea că i-ar trebui pentru școală sau ceva, sunt aproape convins că încerca să...

Și… pe când maneaua bloggerilor, deci?

Băi, emo ăștia duc supărarea în derizoriu. Până la ei, era fain să fii supărat, vorba aia, lasă-mă-n supărarea mea… acum nu mai poți fi supărat, că gata, ești “emo”. (Călin Crainic) Mă scuzați, mi se părea o întrebare întemeiată și firească, privind retrospectiv blogosfera în absența mea. Sâmbătă am văzut un boschetar care s-a oprit pe stradă în plimbarea sa și s-a uitat la ceas...

Am venit.

Unfortunately for the trip, I did not die, which would’ve made it that much more popular. So I managed to find my way back home, four weeks of visiting the whole Europe. I’ve been home since Saturday, I think, to see my parents and then came to my University city and work place, in Cluj-Napoca. I would say this was the first season of hopefully a series to come. Next one would...

City of romance and love and shit…

I got to spend two whole days in Paris, waiting for my truck-ride to arrive in Germany, so I can start heading that way for the rendezvous. I changed two host apartments in Paris with different people living in them, trying to get to meet as many as I can.The first two, Vicențiu and Ioana (photos in previous article) are a Romanian couple living in Paris and soon to move to Madrid. They live...


From Spain to France… I did little visiting of Madrid (which I had previously seen last year, in an organized trip not much like my own) and rather had a nice 12 hour sleep instead. The next day I decided to take a train to Paris, since I was up to 100 EURO from my colorful anonymous donor. I left in a rush, while checking for the 19:00 train, which was impossible to board, as it was...

Sunny Brit and fear&loathing in Madrid…

It’s been some busy few of days since I’ve left London and my host in Harlow, to go North to Lincoln, Norwich and last to Bungay. And then back south to meet Vlad Mereuță in the Capital and through Dover into Calais, towards Paris. I’ve spent one afternoon, evening and the following night in the first city from my list, Lincoln, with Hedădi taking me out for drinks in a few of...

Bad singing day.

So the nice Polish couple living with Diana in Luton drove me to Harlow, closer to London, two nights ago, where I met my new host, Nelida. She used to work for the advertising agency I work for now and she took me in and helped me visit London. We had fish and chips plus Guinness beer the first night, and in the morning I got 30 pounds as a first donation, for an all day/all public...

I’m all out of Europe.

No, I didn’t switch continents. I just got to the end of this one. I left Bruxelles heading to Calais with 50 extra EURO donated by Bogdan (from back in Cluj) and 20 from Diana, Lucian’s girlfriend, that hosted me in Belgium. So now I have a ridiculously big amount of 85 EURO on me for emergencies (yep, it’s pretty much for this trip).I got to the canal to cross to the UK in...

Time of my life

I’ve left Mihaela and Lucian at about 12 to cross Utrecht on foot to the Breda exit and onto the highway. It took me almost 3 hours to get out of the city and on to the right direction, pointing Bruxelles, thru Roosendaal and into Belgium, passing Answerpen. It took the police almost 10 minutes to spot and pick me up. They took me to the next city from where I had to take a train back to...

Dumping the Queen.

So it seems marijuana is tolerated in The Netherlands. You can find it basically anywhere not farther than 50 m away, but its legal status is still not certain. Coffee shops need licenses to sell it and they can only have up to 500 grams available in the bar, which they consider hardly sufficient for any real commercial use. So obviously they have more. Smart-shops sell mushrooms and different...

Darius says “High!” from The Netherlands…

I left Bruxelles last afternoon and it was supposed to be the easiest route so far, up to Utrecht, to my new hosts, Mihaela and Lucian. Passing through Antwerpen, it is a distance of less than 200 km from Belgium’s Capital to just south of Amsterdam. My previous host, Diana, packed 2 bottles of beer along with the sandwiches, something that I advise all hosts to take example from, hehe. I...

Europe is not such a big city afterall…

I’ve left buddy Nemere in Heroes Market (a place in Budapest dedicated to popular Heroes TV series) and then started crossing Budapest on foot, towards Vienna exit. Luckily, on my way I got the chance to cut some corners by getting on the old Budapest subway (Dabi said it’s the second in Europe ever built). Got off at one side of the Donau river and got on the other over Erzsébet Hid...

This might just be easier than staying at home.

… or at least Budapest was. Heading to the end of the city, to catch a ride to Vienna. Hello people and peopettes. The strangest thing so far is that I never felt hungry. Even though for the last two days Nemere from Budapest took really good care of that, before, in the days heading and then coming from Bulgaria and getting to Hungary, I barely ate. And didn’t even feel the need to...

I lied.

Twice. Once about Greece. I was thinking of quitting and a prank that I continued was the best idea I could come up with in those desperate times, hehe. So the story: I got scared. I didn’t go to no Greece. Farthest I got was Bulgaria and that was the scariest tip of any iceberg I’ve ever crashed into. Anyway, I came back. I was hoping to get someone else to come along, because...

Well… anything is too late now.

It’s been an… intense day the first one. As in first 24 hours, ’cause up until now a day was much smaller in my conception. A simple argument to why it was such a rush: I’m not tired at all. And trust me – I AM tired. I just don’t realize it yet. Getting across Romania took more than expected, because there seems to be no other moron such as myself that is...

Am plecat.

Hello. My name is Darius Groza and my goal is to travel around the world. Other than that, there’s no particular plan. Sorry to disappoint you. I’ve been through this text dozens of times during the past 2 or 3 years, trying to make it just right, in an effort to explain what I’m supposed to do. Guess I failed. It is being written “on the road”, just like any lame...
